ShapeShift Manadala

The Genesis of ShapeShift ® Ciphers

W. David Schawderer's Journey

CEO David Schwaderer started with a Galois Finite Field mathematics Erasure Code approach as ground-level ideation in resolving what could be this century's greatest foe — Cybersecurity Threats from Quantum Computing's ability to crack Mathematical based encryption effortlessly.

After two years, David realized decryption using the required Extended Euclidian Algorithm would take too long, so he included Pseudo-Random Considerations.   The journey proved invaluable in the foresight; he then could discard everything except Pseudo-Random Considerations.   One thing led to another, and one morning David had an epiphany, which formed the foundational basis of ShapeShift's uniquely novel approach.

The tricky part was figuring out how to make Pseudo-Random Considerations multi-threaded. David's deep understanding of Quantum's Deterministic Chaos from James Gleick's book "Chaos," among his library of Science and Technology, lit the journey. Mathematics has always remained eventually predictable by powerful enough computation capabilities from Quantum Computing, Block-Chain, and Ai; therefore, the predictability of mathematics needed to be wholly upstaged and ignored. The only solution was Chaos. Unlike traditional and newly emerging Post Quantum Cryptography methods, which rely on complex, esoteric mathematical foundations, David wrote three formulas for Mathematically Barren Plateau Ciphertexts.

Simplicity was the key, unlike traditional and newly emerging Post Quantum Cryptography methods that rely on complex, esoteric mathematical foundations. Three simple processes, which David calls "ShapeShift Triplex Entropy Infusion," wrapped inside Deterministic Chaos, gave way to a 99.99999% secure solution without bit-alignment mathematical considerations, as both a Standalone and Add-On Plug-in Firewall Solution:

ShapeShift Triplex Entropy Infusion

Read the entire & concise Technology Brief.

Technology Brief

Books Authored by David – Leading to the Journey

Introduction to Open Core Protocol (2012th Edition) by W. David Schwaderer
C Wizard's Programming Reference by W. David Schwaderer
C Programmer's Guide to Netbios by W. David Schwaderer
Data Lifecycles: Managing Data for Strategic Advantage by Roger Reid, Gareth Frazer, & David Schwaderer
Enterprise Networking With Fast Ethernet and Atm by W. David Schwaderer
Understanding I/O Subsystems by W. David Schwaderer & Andrew W. Wilson, Jr.
Digital Imaging in C and the World Wide Web by W. David Schwaderer
IBM's Local Area Networks: Power Networking and Systems Connectivity by W. David Schwaderer

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ShapeShift Ciphers on YouTube
ShapeShift Ciphers on YouTube